Statement of Purpose

Required under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4).

Registered Manager:  Dr Andrew Reed

Practice Manager:  Mrs Elaine Moles-Hawley

Len Valley Practice is a Partnership.  There are five Partners:

Dr Andrew Reed

Dr Lee Welsh

Dr Nik Kendrew

Dr Geraint Lloyd

Dr Jonty West


Other GPs:


Dr Sarah Westerbeek

Dr Andrew Taylor

Dr Sumi Pun

Dr Samir Javed

Dr Yasmeen Khan


The main practice is located near the centre of Lenham, between Maidstone and Ashford, Kent.  It is based in a purpose-built building and provides a wide range of medical and community services for the local population.  There is parking in the car park adjacent to the practice, including bays for the disabled.  There is easy access for wheelchairs, lifts and assisted toilet facilities.


The practice also has a branch surgery, The Glebe Medical Centre, based in Harrietsham, near Lenham.  Patients from the whole practice area can opt to be seen at either surgery. 


We are a training practice, which means that we have GP registrars, who are fully qualified doctors undertaking additional training to qualify as general practitioners.  We may also have medical students on placements at various times.


The practice team is committed to delivering the highest standard of medical care and providing a friendly service.


Our Website


Full details of the services we offer and latest information and updates can be found on our website:


Our Mission Statement


To improve the health, wellbeing and lives of those we care for.




To work in partnership with our patients and staff to provide the best Primary care Services possible working within local and national governance, guidance and regulations


Our Aims and Objectives


  1. To provide the best possible quality service for our patients within a confidential and safe environment.
  2. To show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem. To treat all our patients as individuals and with the same respect as we would wish for ourselves and our families.
  3. To involve our patients in decisions regarding their treatment and to be transparent in the care we provide.
  4. To focus on prevention of disease by promoting good health and wellbeing to our patients through education and information
  5. To work in partnership with other healthcare professionals in the care of our patients to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment for ill health.
  6. To encourage our patients to get involved in the practice through both the patient participation group and the annual survey.
  7. To ensure that all member of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently.
  8. To create an educational environment, where staff promote and share learning.
  9. To take care of our staff by offering them support to do their jobs and protect them against abuse.
  10. Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
  11. To operate on a financially sound basis

Our Services

The GMS services provided by our GPs are defined under the General Medical Services Contract.

Essential services

We provide essential services for people who have health conditions from which they are expected to recover, chronic disease management and general management of terminally ill patients.

Our core services include:

  • GP consultations
  • Asthma appointment
  • Chronic obstructive airways disease appointment
  • Coronary heart disease appointments
  • Diabetes appointments

Additional services

Our additional services include:

  • Cervical cytology screening
  • Contraceptive services
  • Child health surveillance
  • Maternity services
  • Vaccinations and immunisations

Enhanced services

Our enhanced services include:

  • Childhood vaccinations and immunisations
  • Family Planning services including Subdermal Implant and Contraceptive coil fitting (IUD)
  • Diabetes Management
  • Prostate Cancer Injection Therapy
  • Flu immunisations
  • Minor injury service

Other services

Our Practice also offers services including:

  • Child health and development
    • Dressings
    • Ear wax and syringing
    • ECGs (electrical heart trace)
    • End of life care
    • Epilepsy
    • Medication review
    • Mental health
    • Pregnancy testing and contraceptive advice
    • Ring pessary replacement
    • Stop smoking support
    • Women’s health

Non-NHS Services

Our Practice also provides services which are non NHS and are paid for by the patient. These services include:

  • Insurance claims forms
    Non NHS vaccinations
    Prescription for taking medication abroad
    Private sick notes
    Pre-employment and HGV medicals

Updated:  October 2022