PPG Committee


Our Committee

Lonsdale Medical Centre formed the Patient Participation Group (PPG) in 2010 and is an independent body which acts as an interface between the patients and the Practice.

The committee consists of a group of current patients and the patient services manager.


The aim of the PPG is:

To feed back to appropriate bodies within the NHS and local authorities patients’ experiences of the health related services they have received and of their reaction to proposed changes within those services.

The PPG aims to represent different ranges of patient groups and new members are always welcome. Confidentiality prevents the group's involvement with issues that relate to specific patients. These are best discussed with your GP.

All patients of the practice are automatically members of the group. The committee will communicate with our patients via the dedicated notice board in the surgery, the practice website and plans a newsletter in due course.

It would be useful to have a list of email addresses to communicate with patients which would only be used for PPG purposes. Please give the surgery your address to the surgery which will be added to our current database.

Please contact the Patient Participation Group via the Practice if you have any comments or issues which you think they should consider.